You can purchase multiple Momentum Plus Gift codes and they won't expire, however, there is a limit to how many codes can be redeemed on an account at a time.
If you already have an active Plus membership you can redeem an additional gift code on your account and it will cover your next renewal. Once the next renewal date has passed you may redeem another code. 👍
In other words, you can't redeem a bunch of Momentum Plus gift codes on your account at a time. You'll have to wait for the gift code to activate on your next renewal date before adding a new one. This is just the way our billing system works right now.
Example Time!
Ben has a Momentum Plus membership that is active from July, 1st, 2020 to July, 1st, 2021. He redeems a yearly gift code, which will cover his next renewal charge on July, 1st, 2021, extending his membership by another year to July 1st, 2022. If he has another gift code, he must wait until after July 1st, 2021 to redeem it.
Confused still?
We'd be happy to help clarify when and how you can redeem your gift code(s), just send us a message.