GitHub is a popular development platform where you can host and review code, manage projects, and build software. If you haven't heard of GitHub before, visit their Features page to learn more.
Momentum's GitHub integration
Momentum's GitHub integration syncs your GitHub account with Momentum's Todo, so you can view, add, edit, and complete your GitHub issues within Momentum. The changes you make to your GitHub issues within Momentum will appear on GitHub's official website and vice versa. If you're looking for a quick and convenient way to review and update your GitHub issues then this integration is for you. 👍
In this help article, you will learn...
- How to connect to and access Momentum's GitHub integration
- How to add & edit your GitHub issues
- How to switch between your GitHub repositories
- How to use the 'Assigned to me' filter
- How to use the 'View in GitHub' options
- What to do if you're having problems connecting to the GitHub integration
Connecting to and accessing Momentum's GitHub integration
Before connecting to the GitHub integration you'll need a GitHub account. If you don't have a GitHub account already, you can create one for free on GitHub's official website.
To connect to Momentum's GitHub integration, visit the Todo section of Momentum's Settings ⚙️, click + Add Integration, select GitHub, click Connect and then login to/authorize your GitHub account.
Once connected, you'll be able to see your GitHub repositories and issues in Momentum's Todo.
- Click the Settings ⚙️icon at the bottom left corner of Momentum.
- Click Todo on the left side of Momentum's Settings ⚙️menu.
- Scroll down to the Integrations section of the Todo Settings ⚙️, and then click the + Add Integration button.
- Select GitHub and then click Connect. A secure window will open for you to login to/authorize your GitHub account.
- Log in to your existing GitHub account's Email Address & Password.
- Click Todo at the bottom right corner of Momentum to access your GitHub repositories and issues within Momentum.
If your GitHub issues and repositories aren't displaying after connecting, click Todo at the bottom right corner of Momentum to open the Todo menu, click ... at the top right corner of the Todo menu, click the Switch to... option and then select GitHub.
Pro tip: You can also hold down Shift and then press the ← or → arrow keys on your keyboard while the Todo menu is open, to quickly switch between your GitHub organizations and any other Todo integrations/sources that you're connected to.
Adding and editing your GitHub issues
You can add and edit your GitHub issues in the same way that you would your Momentum todo items.
Adding a new issue
To add a new issue, click New Issue at the bottom left of the Todo menu, type in your issue and then press the enter/return ↵ key on your keyboard.
Editing an issue
To edit an issue, double-click on it, make your changes and then press the enter/return ↵ key on your keyboard.
Switching between your GitHub repositories
To switch between your GitHub repositories, click the ☰ or GitHub icon at the top left corner of the Todo menu, and then click the repository that you want to switch to from the drop-down.
Pro tip: Hold down the alt key and press the ↑ or ↓ arrow keys on your keyboard while your Todo menu is open to switch between your GitHub repositories.
Using the 'Assigned to me' filter
The Assigned to me filter displays only the issues that are assigned to you.
To enable this filter, click ... at the top right corner of the Todo menu and then select the Assigned to me option. Clicking the Assigned to me option again will disable it.
The View in GitHub option redirects you to GitHub's website, so you can take a closer look at and make detailed changes to your issues and repositories in GitHub's native environment.
Viewing a repository in GitHub
To view a repository in GitHub, click ... at the top right corner of the Todo menu and then select the View in GitHub option.
Viewing an issue in GitHub
To view an issue in GitHub, hover your mouse cursor over the issue, click ... that appears to the right, and then select the View in GitHub option.
Having problems connecting to this integration?
If you've connected to the wrong GitHub account, or are stuck setting up the GitHub integration, reset your connection by signing out of your GitHub account and then reconnect to Momentum's GitHub integration.
Step 1: Logout of your GitHub account
- Visit GitHub's website
- Click on your avatar at the top right corner of the page.
- Select Sign out from the settings menu.
Step 2: Disconnect from Momentum's GitHub integration
- Return to your Momentum page.
- Click the Settings ⚙️icon at the bottom left corner of Momentum.
- Click Todo on the left side of the Settings ⚙️menu.
- Hover your mouse cursor over the GitHub option in the Integrations section and then click Disconnect.
Step 3: Reconnect to Momentum's GitHub integration
- Visit the Todo section of Momentum's Settings ⚙️.
- Click + Add Integration underneath the Integrations section.
- Select the GitHub option and then click Connect. A secure window should now appear and give you the option to log in to your preferred account.
- Log in to your existing GitHub account's email address & password.
Still having problems connecting?
If you still have problems connecting to Momentum's GitHub integration, please reach out to us at Make sure to provide a description (bonus points for a screenshot or recording) of where you are stuck.
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