Showcasing beautiful imagery that exists in this World (and beyond) is a central piece of the Momentum experience. If you know of any professional photographers that feature some place of the World that you haven't seen in Momentum yet, or want to share some particular locations that you'd like us to look out for, send us a message at - we'd love to hear from you!
Articles in this section
- How is the Percent Clock (%) calculated?
- iOS / Safari mobile setup
- Microsoft To Do integration limitations
- How can I change the clock format (12 hour/24 hour)?
- How can I change my display name?
- How can I hide my Focus, Todo, Links, Weather, etc.?
- How can I change the search provider?
- How often does the background photo, quote and mantra change?
- When do the greetings (Good morning, afternoon, and evening) change?
- Where is this background photo from and who took it?