The location of the active photo displays at the bottom left corner of Momentum, next to the Settings ⚙️icon.
To see who took the photo, hover your mouse cursor over the location at the bottom left corner of Momentum and you will see their name will appear. Click the photographer's name to visit their page.
Viewing the Photo info of past photos
To see the location of past photos, visit the Favorites or History section of your Photos Settings and then click the ? icon that displays at the top right corner when you hover your mouse cursor over any of the preview images.
- Click the Settings ⚙️icon at the bottom left corner of Momentum.
- Click Photos on the left of Momentum's Settings menu.
- Click the Favorites or History section.
- Hover your mouse cursor over a photo preview and then click the Question mark icon at the top right corner.
If the photographer doesn't provide a location, we try our best to identify it ourselves. If we can't identify it, we will give the photo a descriptive title. If you know the location of one of these photos, please send us a message at so we can update it. 👍