What type of photos are we looking for?
Momentum photos create a feeling of inspiration, awe, and wonder. They encourage people to explore and chase after their dreams. We mostly feature natural landscapes, with the occasional space and cityscape photo. However, we are also considering close-up nature shots, architecture, animals, and digital art.
Need help choosing photos?
Here are some helpful guidelines to give you a better idea of what we're looking for!
- Big enough (e.g. 2048px wide), general 4/3 aspect ratio.
- The photo(s) should not include personal watermarks. Proper credit will be provided within Momentum.
- Bright and vibrant colors. We tend to avoid super dark or cloudy photos.
- Sharp and in focus. The objects should be clear and centered.
- No people in the frame.
- Minimal to no chromatic aberration around edges of objects.
- Photo levels not blown out (e.g. white sky encroaching on trees).
- Straight horizon.
- Minimal industrial elements in nature shots (e.g. no power lines, buildings or cars, unless it adds to the concept/composition somehow).
- Avoid too much white in key areas of Momentum widgets (Daily focus, Time, Todo, Links, etc.), as the Momentum overlay text is white and will be hard to see.
Once you've added/uploaded your photos, our curation team will review them and choose the best ones to feature in Momentum. Photos that are featured will have your name credited, along with a link to your approved photography page.
Want to add your own photos?
You can also your own photos for personal viewing with the Custom Photos feature, available on Momentum Plus. Other Momentum users won't see them, but it adds a nice personal touch to your dashboard. :)
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