Trello is a popular project management tool that uses the kanban paradigm to visualize your progress and track the status of your projects. Trello uses virtual boards, cards, and lists to organize your individual or collaborative projects. Take the Trello Tour to see if it's the right service for you!
Momentum's Trello integration
Momentum's Trello integration syncs your Trello account to Momentum's Todo, so you can view, add, edit and complete your Trello cards directly from your Momentum page. The changes you make to your Trello cards within Momentum's Todo appear on Trello's official app/website and vice versa. If you're looking for a quick and convenient way to view and update the status of your Trello cards within Momentum then this integration is for you. 👍
In this help article, you will learn...
- How to connect to and access Momentum's Trello integration
- How to add and remove Trello boards
- How to add, edit, archive/delete and reorder your Trello cards
- How to switch between your Trello lists and boards
- How to move Trello cards between lists
- How to use the 'Assigned to me' filter
- How to use the 'View in Trello' options
- What to do if you're having problems connecting to the Trello integration
Connecting to and accessing Momentum's Trello integration
Before connecting to the Trello integration you'll need a Trello account. If you don't have a Trello account, you can create one for free on Trello's official website.
To connect to Momentum's Trello integration, visit the Todo section of Momentum's Settings ⚙️, click + Add Integration, select Trello, click Connect and then login to/authorize your Trello account.
Once connected, you'll be able to access your Trello boards and cards in Momentum's Todo.
- Click the Settings ⚙️icon at the bottom left corner of Momentum.
- Click Todo on the left side of Momentum's Settings ⚙️menu.
- Scroll down to the Integrations section of the Todo Settings ⚙️, and then click the + Add Integration button.
- Select Trello and then click Connect. A secure window will open for you to login to/authorize your Trello account.
- Log in to your existing Trello account's Email Address & Password (or choose to login to a Google account) and then click the Allow button.
- Click Todo at the bottom right corner of Momentum to access your Trello boards and cards within Momentum.
If your Trello cards and boards aren't displaying after connecting, click Todo at the bottom right corner of Momentum to open the Todo menu, click ... at the top right corner of the Todo menu, click the Switch to... option and then select a connected Trello board from the drop-down.
Adding and removing Trello boards
With Momentum's Trello integration you get to choose which Trello boards you see (and don't see) within Momentum's Todo.
To add a Trello board, visit the Todo section of Momentum's Settings ⚙️, hover your mouse cursor over the Trello option, click the Configure option that appears to the right, click the Add Board button, and then click the Trello boards that you want to add.
To remove a board, hover your mouse cursor over one of your Connected Boards in the Configure menu and then click Disconnect.
- If your connected Trello boards don't update right away, try refreshing your Momentum page.
Adding, editing, archiving/deleting and reordering Trello cards
You can add, edit, archive, delete and reorder your Trello cards in the same way that you would your Momentum todo items.
Adding a new card
To add a new Trello card, click New Card at the bottom left of the Todo menu, type in your card/task name and then press the enter/return ↵ key on your keyboard.
Editing a Trello card
To edit a Trello card, double-click on it, make your changes and then press the enter/return ↵ key on your keyboard.
Archiving/deleting a card
To archive or delete a Trello card, hover your mouse cursor over a card, click ... that appears to the right of it, and then select the Archive or Delete option from the drop-down.
Reordering cards
To move a Trello card to a different spot in your list, click, drag and drop it up or down the list.
Moving Trello cards between lists
To move a card to a neighboring list, click, drag and drop it on either side of the Todo menu. The list name will appear along the side when you're in the 'drop zone' and when you release it, that card will move into that list.
You can also quickly move a card to the next list on the right by clicking the Checkbox to the left of the card.
Switching between your Trello lists and boards
Switching between lists
To switch between your Trello lists, click the List name at the top left of the Todo menu, and then select the list that you want to switch to from the drop-down.
Pro tip: You can also press the ← or → arrow keys on your keyboard while your Todo menu is open to quickly switch between your lists.
Switching between boards
To switch between your connected Trello boards, click ... at the top right of the Todo menu, click the Switch to... option and then select the board that you want to switch to from the drop-down.
Pro tip: You can also hold Shift and then press the ← or → arrow keys on your keyboard while your Todo menu is open to quickly switch between your boards.
Using the 'Assigned to me' filter
The Assigned to me filter displays only the Trello cards that are assigned to you.
To enable this filter, click ... at the top right corner of the Todo menu and then select the Assigned to me option. Clicking the Assigned to me option again will disable it.
The View in Trello options redirect you to Trello's website, so you can take a closer look at and make more detailed changes to your boards and cards in Trello's native environment.
Viewing a board in Trello
To view a board in Trello, click ... at the top right corner of the Todo menu and then select the View in Trello option.
Viewing a card in Trello
To view a single card in Trello, hover your mouse cursor over the card, click ... that appears to the right, and then select the View in Trello option.
Having problems connecting to this integration?
If you've connected to the wrong Trello account, or are stuck setting up the Trello integration, reset your connection by signing out of your Trello account (and/or Google account) and then reconnect to Momentum's Trello integration.
Step 1: Logout of your Trello account
- Visit Trello's website.
- Click your avatar (or initials) at the top right corner.
- Select the Log Out option.
Note: If you're using a Google Account to log in to Trello, make sure to Sign out of any Google Account(s) that you might be logged in to. Otherwise, you might automatically log in to the incorrect Trello account when you reconnect to Momentum's Trello integration.
- Visit your Google Account or Gmail page.
- Click your avatar (or initials) at the top right corner.
- Select the Sign out option.
Step 2: Disconnect from Momentum's Trello integration
- Return to your Momentum page.
- Click the Settings ⚙️icon at the bottom left corner of Momentum.
- Click Todo on the left side of the Settings ⚙️menu.
- Hover your mouse cursor over the Trello option in the Integrations section and then click Disconnect.
Step 3: Reconnect to Momentum's Trello integration
- Visit the Todo section of Momentum's Settings ⚙️.
- Click + Add Integration underneath the Integrations section.
- Select the Trello option and then click Connect. A secure window should now appear and give you the option to log in to your preferred account.
- Log in to your existing Trello account's email address & password (or choose to login to a Google account), and then click the Allow button.
Still having problems connecting?
If you still have problems connecting to Momentum's Trello integration, please reach out to us at Make sure to provide a description (bonus points for a screenshot or recording) of where you are stuck.
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